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Protecting Your Home from Wildfires this Season

The nightmare of putting out a fire on your own home can be a scary experience. No homeowner should have to experience such tragedy due to an unpredictable wildfire. In order to protect your property and family this year, you should be up to date on fire safety procedures.

Are you aware that there are many wildfires igniting in the local area? For this reason, it is crucial for you to take safety into your own hands. Here are some tips for you to prepare for the worst when it comes to random blazes:

  • If evacuation is necessary, do so sooner rather than later.
  • Since it is the start of fire season, make sure to remove hazards around your house. This includes cutting your grass and removing other greenery that could ignite easily.
  • When a fire alert ensues, close all the windows to prevent embers entering the house.
  • Move flammable furniture away from windows and sliding glass doors.
  • Contact the proper fire officials if you are in need to help on your property.
  • If and when the fire has passed, find any spot fires and extinguish them immediately to prevent them from spreading.
  • Always stay tuned to the radio or TV for fire updates so your family can remain safe.
  • Teach your children about fire safety and keep matches out of their reach.
  • Plan escape routes away from your home both by vehicle and by foot.
  • Install a dual-sensor smoke alarm on each level of your home and change the batteries at least once a year.
  • Teach your family about how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • Consider installing protective shutters or fire-resistant drapes.

At Partner Agency, we hope these tips help you stay safe during wildfire season. As a resident of California, this is a common natural disaster. However, you don’t have to fall victim to a blaze. Instead, prepare your home and family to prevent risks and injuries. In addition, having homeowners insurance from us may give you peace of mind. We want to make sure that you have the right level of protection from your policy. So let us create a suitable package that meets your lifestyle needs.
