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Partner Agency Insurance Services Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Toby's Holiday Gift Guide for Dogs

The Holidays are upon us! Toby lists his top holiday gifts for animal-lovers and their dogs This is the time of the year to give gifts to those you love, and we at Partner Agency know that sometimes the ones you...

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Affordable Care Act: Small Businesses and Part Time Workers

Many small businesses do not offer health care, and if they do, many part time employees are not eligible for group coverage. There is now a place that provides the coverage you need! Where do I get my health coverage...

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Revisions to the Affordable Care Act

What are the latest changes to the Affordable Care Act and how will they affect me and my premiums? Revisions to the Affordable Care Act and the Effect of Extending Coverage to Non-Grandfathered Policies There has been...

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How to avoid being a victim of theft during Black Friday

Holiday shopping does not come without risks - learn how to protect yourself and your gifts from theft this Black Friday! Black Friday has become a national holiday of it's own, people camp out for days, forgo sleep,...

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Affordable Care Act-White House Announces Transition Policy for Some Health Plans

[caption id="attachment_474" align="aligncenter" width="819"] What are the newest proposed reforms to the Affordable Care Act and how will they affect you?[/caption] Due To Public Appeal, President Obama Addresses the...

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Affordable Care Plan: Changes Affecting Small Group Employers Health Plans

Are you still unsure of how the Affordable Care Act will affect your small business? Many employers are wondering how the Affordable Care Act will affect the coverage they provide to their employees. Below is a recap of...

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Affordable Care Act: The Do's and Don'ts of Applying

The application process can be confusing. Let us help you with listing what sort of information you will need to provide in order to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. What sort of information do I need to apply for...

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Affordable Care Act: Hardship Exemptions

Are there exemptions from the penalties provided by the Affordable Care Act for those who have difficulties paying for health insurance? Aligning Individual Medical Mandate Penalties With the Open Enrollment Period...

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How is Covered California Different from

President Obama spoke of website issues; does this affect Californians applying online for Covered California? President Obama referred to website issues Monday in his address to the nation. Do you know which site he is...

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Don’t Leave Your Employees Exposed To Risks Any Longer!

Does your business face hazards and risks during certain tasks or projects? Don’t make accidents or injuries an option for your employees on the job. Instead, you should look into having a reliable workers compensation...

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Covered California

Covered California is a hit with 94,500 applications started since October 1  Consumer Interest Remains Strong for Health Insurance Offered Through Covered California Marketplace. Covered California had 600,000...

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Grand Opening of Covered California

Thousands of consumers investigate health insurance through the new Covered California Marketplace in first week of opening. Covered California's Grand Opening Success! Partner agency has been informing you of the...

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Careful! Avoid an Accident when Traveling near City Buses

If you venture into the city often, then you know that city buses seem to take over the road. It is important to be careful as you drive near or pass by such a large vehicle. Failure to be cautious could present real...

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Wellness Program Rewards

Workplace Wellness Programs are on the increase! Learn about how the federal government is proposing to reward your business for participation. Wellness Program Rewards in the Workplace The U.S. Departments of Health...

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When is enrollment for Covered California?

The time to enroll in Covered California is near! As an Individual or Family, may I enroll in Affordable Health Care Medical Coverage at any time of the year?  Who can help me? Enrolling for medical coverage will...

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Setting Realistic Business Goals for a Sense of Motivation and Accomplishment

As a business owner, do you understand the importance of setting goals for your company? The desire you have to reach an accomplishment cannot be rushed. Altering your methods to become more realistic when tackling a...

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The Affordable Care Act: Concerns over Fraud and Scams

There are companies and individuals that might take advantage of consumer confusion and some of the misinformation out there about new coverage options under the Affordable Care Act. Opportunities for potential fraud...

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Can You Imagine Living in an Extreme Treehouse?

Typically, people live in homes made on the ground. Can you imagine living in a home high up in the trees? This may sound extreme and like something out of a fantasy book, but one local man followed his passion for the...

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Affordable Care Act Financial Assistance Qualifications

Do You Qualify for Affordable Health Care Financial Assistance? If you need help paying for health care, you may qualify for federal assistance. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as health care reform, the...

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Member Level Rating And Your Small Business

How will member level rating affect the health care invoices I will get as a small business owner? As an Employer, will my January 2014 group health billing statements continue to look the same as today? The Affordable...

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Don’t let the Sun equal Dehydration and Lack of Water for Your Employees

Are you concerned about the hot summer? If your employees are working outside most hours of the day, it is important for you to make sure they don’t become dehydrated on the job. Some people are more sensitive to the...

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How Will You Sign Up For Medical Insurance?

Are you wondering how to sign up for the Affordable Care Act? Will it be through your employer, or independent of your employer? Must my Small Group Employer offer me Medical Insurance? With all these changes and...

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What Additional Coverages Are Available Through the Affordable Care Act?

With the upcoming health reform changes through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) many people have questions about what kind of additional coverages will be available, and to whom? Will the new Health Care Marketplace have...

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Following City Parking Laws to Avoid a Ticket

Have you been in a rush to find a parking space in the city? If so, you may have made the choice to park your vehicle illegally in the hopes that no one will notice. However, the officials in a city are very diligent...

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Small Business Owner's Role in Notifying Employees of Health Care Change

What is your role as a small business owner in informing your employees about the health care reform options? As an Employer, do I need to inform my employees about the Health Benefits Marketplace…even if our company...

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Tips to Establish Trustworthy, Polite, and Honest Customer Service

Are you having trouble improving your client services? Running an organization is filled with ups and downs, but pleasing your customers shouldn’t be a struggle. If it is, then you most likely are losing business...

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Protecting Your Home When You Travel

Stopping mail delivery, putting a few lights on a timer, and leaving a key with a good neighbor are still wise home protection ideas before leaving on vacation. And while it's important to protect yourself with these...

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The Affordable Care Act: Financial Assistance

Affordable Health Coverage - If I still cannot afford it, are there financial assistance programs available to me? Many people know they need health insurance but are concerned about the price. Luckily, there are&...

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The Affordable Care Act's Essential Health Benefits

Explaining the Essential Health Benefits provided by the Affordable Care Act Essential Health Benefits The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that Individual/Family Health Plans and Small Employer Group Health Plans...

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Protecting Your Home from Wildfires this Season

The nightmare of putting out a fire on your own home can be a scary experience. No homeowner should have to experience such tragedy due to an unpredictable wildfire. In order to protect your property and family this...

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Small Business Health Options Program

What is the SHOP Marketplace and What Will It Mean for Small Business Owners? The SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program) Marketplace will open in October of this year for coverage that is proposed to take effect...

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Traveling With Your Best (Four-Legged) Friend

Planning a summer road trip with your best four-legged friend? Here are some safe traveling tips for you and Fido! Whether you're headed out on the road for a weekend drive or a longer vacation, there are some car trips...

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The Affordable Care Act: Covered California

How will Covered California allow you to shop for health insurance? Will there be penalties for the uninsured? California's Marketplace The Affordable Care Act establishes state marketplaces where individuals and small...

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Affordable Care Act: How to Choose Your Health Plan?

How to Choose Your Health Plan? With all the impending changes from the Affordable Care Act, you may be wondering "How will I choose my health care plan?" To help make shopping for health insurance easier, health plans&...

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Provide Training for Employees in Workplace Health and Safety

As a business owner, it is crucial that you train your employees in workplace health and safety. If you do not do this, you could be breaking laws. In addition, you increase your business’ risk for accidents. Don’t put...

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The Affordable Care Act: Health Insurance Marketplace

Are you wondering how the Affordable Care Act will change the way you get your health insurance? Big changes are coming in October 2013. Big changes for a lot of people. The Affordable Care Act is expected to help...

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Health Care Reform and Small Businesses

What does health care reform mean to me and my employees as a Small Business Owner ? If you have anywhere between one to fifty full-time employees, then you may be wondering how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect...

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What Does Health Care Reform Mean to You?

Are you wondering how the Affordable Care Act will be implemented, when you enroll, and how it will affect you and your family? We have answers! How is the Affordable Care Act going to be implemented in California?...

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Do You Love Your Car Enough to Protect It?

How much do you love cars? Whether you are an avid collector of automobiles, have attended many car shows, have put your vehicle on public display, or own the most expensive car around, you should also consider...

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Wellness Wednesday: Demystifying Health Insurance Reform

Questions about health care? We want to become your partner in unraveling the mystery of health care reform! Here at Partner Insurance Agency, it is our goal to redefine the relationship between you and your...

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Attracting Business through Excellent Customer Service and Engagement

Do you believe your company is attracting the right kind of customers? Focusing on customer care should be a top priority, especially since excellent customer service can be hard to find now a days. Learning and...

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Protection and Safety from the California Wind!

With a rise in strong winds in the state, it is important for you to protect your household. Any precautionary measure is better than none at all. Most people underestimate the power of wind, especially if they are...

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Get Ready to Safely 'Spring Forward'

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 10, 2013, for most places in the United States, so don't forget to set your clock forward one hour. We here at Partner Agency want to remind you it's also a great time to...

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Protect Your Motorhome and RV From the Cold

If you're a snowbird and you're headed away from the cold this winter to a sunnier and warmer spot, you can move on to the next article. Just know that we here at Partner Agency wish you a safe journey - and that we're...

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