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Partner Agency Insurance Services Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Employer Shared Responsibility

In 2015, employers of with a certain amount of full-time employees will be subject to the Employer Shared Responsibility, which means that the employer must offer affordable health benefits. This is due to the...

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Affordable Care Act – Mandatory and Excepted Health Benefits

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had many people scratching their head and wondering what will be included on their new ACA-Compliant policy. What are the Mandatory Benefits and Excepted Benefits? What are Mandatory...

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Income Verification by Covered California

Covered California is sending notices to health plan enrollees asking permission to automatically verify their income for the coverage year 2015.Why does Covered California need to know my household income?Having...

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Affordable Care Act and Employer Mandate Final Rule

The Affordable Care Act has led to many changes with small business owners and the employee benefits they need to provide. Many of the mandates were postponed last year, so there is a lot of confusion. We are here to...

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What is an EPO plan?

What are the benefits of an EPO plan? Is this plan a good choice for me? What is an EPO plan or an EPO Network? Many people are aware of HMO or PPO plans, but many carriers, such as Anthem Blue Cross, are now offering...

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Smoke Alarms Are the Sound of Safety

Smoke alarm safety is very important. Having enough smoke alarms and keeping them in working condition are important fire safety steps you can take to save lives in your home. Alarms can alert you and your family to...

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Summer Heat can be Deadly

Summertime heat can be deadly- do not take risks! In 2013 alone, a total of 44 children who were 14 years and younger died in the United States from heat stroke by being left in cars during the summer time. These...

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Live Happy : Summertime Stargazing

Summer is the perfect time to take a mini vacation away from the city. For those living in the city, the night sky may look like a black canvas with a couple of stars shinning through the atmosphere. Stargazing is a...

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What To Do In A Drought

California is experiencing a serious drought for its fourth consecutive year. Governor Jerry Brown has declared a statewide drought emergency. We all need to do our part and conserve water, now more than ever!...

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Summer Road Trip Tips!

June is here and school is out, what better time to take a road trip? Before you do, Partner Agency wants to make sure your car is in good condition for an enjoyable and safe trip. Here are our summer road trip tips!...

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